Creature comforts

by Cari Balbo

I saw a quote today about the desire to be well informed and the desire to be sane being currently at odds with one another. With every piece of news I read today I couldn't help but fixate on the idea of humankind's capacity to harm. Harm each other, harm the environment, society, themselves...a seemingly endless list. It's overwhelmingly disappointing and just so sad.


Like many people, I'm working on my personal plan for how to effect positive change in the world; how to survive and, with hope, thrive in these times. Meanwhile I'm taking comfort from our animal companions and livestock around us here on the farm. Therapy I don't have to pay for but that does require a varying level of care and feeding. Today I lingered a little longer during chores and work breaks to capture a day in the life of these creatures that bring me a level of sanity when bad news piles on top of more bad news. I'm sharing in case others might get some comfort from these characters too.

Ziggy. A tall glass of water. 

Ziggy. A tall glass of water. 

Fozzie and Floyd, practicing their superpowers (napping and being cute). 

Fozzie and Floyd, practicing their superpowers (napping and being cute). 

Bella and her ears. That swoop though...

Bella and her ears. That swoop though...

Wally and this piece of hay perfectly balanced on his snout. 

Wally and this piece of hay perfectly balanced on his snout. 

Turns out Willy had a smaller piece of hay on his snout too. I seriously wonder sometimes if these two do things just to make me laugh.  

Turns out Willy had a smaller piece of hay on his snout too. I seriously wonder sometimes if these two do things just to make me laugh.  

The hens and Mr. Perkins politely decline to come outside today, thank you very much.  

The hens and Mr. Perkins politely decline to come outside today, thank you very much.  

Not only did these three get their usual two meals today but they also got a thick chickpea and veggie stew courtesy of yours truly (and some old chickpeas in the pantry). Have to keep them warm, fat, and happy. 

Not only did these three get their usual two meals today but they also got a thick chickpea and veggie stew courtesy of yours truly (and some old chickpeas in the pantry). Have to keep them warm, fat, and happy.